By combining apidology research and professional bee keeping practice, VAROLIS will
become the global provider for a more effective, better tolerated and safer medicine for honey

Saving honey bees to safeguard pollination, global food supply and a healthy

Varolis was founded to bundle IP, knowledge, research data and expertise into one company with
the aim to develop Lithium as veterinary drug under the trade name LIMITEX a novel,
effective and easy to apply agent to control the parasitic Varroa mites (Varroa destructor).
About Varolis

Our Honeybee
About Limitex

Compared to all other treatment option our systemic Lithium treatment has by far the highestefficacy under field conditions. In experiments carried out at the Apicultural State Institute inHohenheim efficacies significantly exceeding 95% were obtained reproducibly over several years oftesting and 97,5% using Lithium Citrate in a study carried out in 2023.

Lithium is well tolerated by adult bees. Throughout the shortperiod of treatment time Lithium at the indicated concentration has no impact on bee health. Asingle treatment instead of multiple interventions is also beneficial for colony condition.
No residues in bee products. Similarly, only 25 days post treatment Lithium concentrations werenot found to be elevated in honey compared to control. Other than synthetic compounds Lithium will not induce resistanceformation and lose efficacy over time.

Easy to use
The systemic mode of action allows to feed the anti-Varroamite drug rather the vaporize or spray ortrickle. A single treatment is sufficient to remove mites efficiently and lowers the work load of beekeepers. The treatment coincides with the annual feeding with sucrose syrup and therefore does notimply additional work.
The Team of Varolis combines know how and experiences in the fields of Apidology and Apiculture, Biology, Biochemistry, Drug Discovery and -development, Regulatory Affairs, Investor Relations, Finance, Business Development as well as Intellectual Property Rights,
For Investors
Why you should invest in Varolis

Global market
Global market volume of 2 billion euros. An serviceable market of approx. 500 million euros

Fast ROI
The break-even point is expected to be reached in 2029/30. With a market share of approx. 3% and an estimated turnover of 10-15 million euros

Save the bees
With Limitex, it is possible to revolutionize the market for varroa treatment and eliminate the greatest threat to the honey bee, thus making a significant contribution to saving the bee
Supportiv association

Basic research on the acaricidal effects of Lithium on the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor was conducted with the support of the Bayerische Forschungsstiftung between 2016 and 2018.

Describe your image

Basic research on the acaricidal effects of Lithium on the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor was conducted with the support of the Bayerische Forschungsstiftung between 2016 and 2018.