To translate the discovery of Lithium and its acaricidal activity into a therapeutic optionto combat Varroosis requires regulatory approval as veterinary medicine. We have protected our discovery by
patents with broad claims in the US and the European Union.
An FTO analysis did not reveal obstructive documents or prior art. A proof of concept
study has repeatedly shown overwhelming efficacy exceeding 95% and good tolerability in adult
bees. We have devised a plan for clinical development and assembled an international team of
advisors and consultants to support Varolis in aspects of regulatory affairs, quality management,
industry intelligence, outreach activities and marketing. Our market analysis indicates a huge
global market and good opportunities for our product Limitex.
With this we are ready to initiate clinical development of Limitexto obtain market
authorization by EMA (EU) and the EPA (USA). For these upcoming stages we are seeking
investments to reach the next value infliction point and exponential growth in the bee
health sector.
Vision: By combining apidology research and professional bee keeping practice, VAROLIS will
become the global provider for a more effective, better tolerated and safer medicine for honey
VAROLIS will assemble a creative, competent and motivated team which will work in an empowering
environment, flat hierarchy and an atmosphere of participation and responsibility. By reaching out to
bee keeper associations, apiarists and stakeholder, the team will ensure fast market penetration of
the new drug. With growing revenues VAROLIS will be ready for the exit of investors in 8 years at a
high valuation of the company about € 100 Mln.
​Mission: Saving honey bees to safeguard pollination, global food supply and a healthy
VAROLIS was founded to develop Lithium salts under the brand name ELIMITE as therapeutic
agent against Varroa mites that endanger bee colonies worldwide. By saving our most
important pollinator we will help to secure agricultural food supply and support ecological
diversity and stability. We will aim for market approval by the European Medical Agency
(EMA) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a prerequisite to establish
Lithium Citrate as the standard therapy of varroosis.